Specific Tour
-Muaji Prill
7, 14 , 28 PRILL – 4 NETE = 499€
21 PRILL – 4 NETE = 599€
16 PRILL – 5 NETE = 559€
30 PRILL – 5 NETE = 599€
-Muaji Maj
5 , 12, 19 MAJ – 4 NETE = 449€
Dita 01: Udhetimi Tirane – Abu Dhabi (Fluturimi direkt me Wizz Air)
Nisja nga Tirana ne 12:55 dhe mberritja ne Abu Dhabi ne 20:50
Numri i Fluturimit : SW7092
Transferta dhe akomodimi ne hotel Copthorne me 4* ne Abu Dhabi me mengjes te perfshire.
Dita 02: Abu Dhabi City Tour (Turi i qytetit te Abu Dhabit)
Abu Dhabi – Njihet ndryshe si ”Manhatani i Arabise” per shkak te gradacelave ultra moderne.
Kryeqyteti i Emirateve te Bashkuara Arabe, shtrihet ne nje ishull ne forme T-je, prane gjirit te Persise.
Aty do te kemi mundesi per te vizituar vendet e mrekullueshme si Xhamine “Sheikh Zayed”,
nje kryeveper e arkitektures neo-islamike si edhe nje nga xhamite me te bukura ne te gjithe boten.
Xhamia ka mbi 1.000 shtylla ne zonat e saj e jashtme te cilat jane te veshura me me shume se 20.000 panele mermeri me gure gjysme te çmuar,
duke perfshire guaskat, perlat etj. Vizita e kesaj xhamie eshte nje pervoje vertete e paharrueshme.
Kthimi ne Dubai.
Darka e lire.
Sistemimi dhe fjetje ne Delta Hotel by Marriot ne Dubai Investment Park 4* me mengjes.
Dita 03: Dubai City tour (Turi i qytetit te Dubait)
Vijojme ne rrugen e famshme Sheikh Zayed (cilesuar edhe si arteria kryesore e qytetit).
Gjate kesaj rruge do te kalojme ne Zonen e Biznesit (e mbushur me godina vertete unike) si psh Emirates Tower dhe Qendra e Tregetise Boterore.
Gjithcka duket ne harmoni te plote dhe ky program do te vazhdoje te na tregoje mrekulli te tilla si: Burj Kalifa e cila eshte ndertesa me e larte ne bote 818 m,
dhe prane saj ndodhet Dubai Mall, qe eshte Qendra Tregtare me e madhe ne bote. Vazhdojme viziten tone ne brendesi te Palmes Jumeirah, e cila eshte nje arkitekture shume e vecante e ndertuar totalisht mbi uje.
Aty do kemi mundesi te shohim Hotelin luksoz Atlantis The Palm dhe mundesi per foto panoramike.
Vazhdojme me Dubai Marina qe eshte edhe shetitorja me e njohur ne Dubai ku mund te shohim edhe Klubin e Jahteve .
Kohe e lire per dreken dheme pas akomodimi ne hotel.
Bileta e Hyrjes ne Burj Khalifa – 65 EUR per person.
19:00 – 21:00 Yacht Tour – 60 Euro Per person
Dita 04: Free day (Dite e lire)
Safari ne shkretetire –– 69 Euro per person me darke te perfshire
Largohuni per pak nga jeta e ngarkuar e qytetit dhe shijoni shkelqimin e shkretetires se Dubait me turneun tone te safarit ne shkretetire ne mbremje.
Zgjedhim mbasditen pasi eshte koha me e mire per te vizituar shkretetirat qe gjate mbremjes ftohen per te mirepritur driten e henes dhe vizitoret nga e gjithe bota.
Dita 05: Check-out nga hoteli dhe transferim per ne Aeroportin Internacional te Abu Dhabi
Udhetimi Abu Dhabi – Tirane (Fluturimi direkt me Wizz Air)
Nisja nga Abu Dhabi ne 11:45 dhe mberritja ne Tirane ne 15:35.
Numri i Fluturimit: SW7091
Fundi i sherbimit tone.
Start in Los Angeles and end in San Francisco! With the adventure tour Western Express Northbound, you have a 4day tour package taking you from Los Angeles to San Francisco and through Los Angeles, USA and 7 other destinations in USA. Western Express Northbound is a small group tour that includes accommodation in a hotel as well as an expert guide, meals, transport and more.
Start in Los Angeles and end in San Francisco! With the adventure tour Western Express Northbound, you have a 4day tour package taking you from Los Angeles to San Francisco and through Los Angeles, USA and 7 other destinations in USA. Western Express Northbound is a small group tour that includes accommodation in a hotel as well as an expert guide, meals, transport and more.
Start in Los Angeles and end in San Francisco! With the adventure tour Western Express Northbound, you have a 4day tour package taking you from Los Angeles to San Francisco and through Los Angeles, USA and 7 other destinations in USA. Western Express Northbound is a small group tour that includes accommodation in a hotel as well as an expert guide, meals, transport and more.
This tour has an age range of 12-70 years old, this means children under the age of 12 will not be eligible to participate in this tour. However, if you are over 70 years please contact us as you may be eligible to join the tour if you fill out G Adventures self-assessment form.
Eum eu sumo albucius perfecto, commodo torquatos consequuntur pro ut, id posse splendide ius. Cu nisl putent omittantur usu, mutat atomorum ex pro, ius nibh nonumy id. Nam at eius dissentias disputando, molestie mnesarchum complectitur per te. In commune pericula mediocritatem per. Cu audiam dolorum appareat per, id habeo suavitate argumentum vel.
A Brilliant Trip